China's Answer For Google Glass - Contrarie
Featured in the picture above is the Baidu Eye, China’s answer to the Google Glass. A working prototype of the Baidu Eye was shown off at the Baidu World Conference in Beijing on Wednesday. Baidu is a Chinese technology company who’s main service is a search engine, not unlike Google, Baidu has a market share of 56.6% of the Internet search revenue as per 2011 numbers. The device looks like wrap around headphones, and has an ear piece on the left side, with a camera device on the right arm. You may notice that there is no optical display like the Google Glass, it instead uses the camera to analyze/recognize the surroundings as well as takes pictures, and then proceeds to send the data to a smart phone or tablet. Baidu has said this way it will be much “easier to browse than on a small, mounted screen” and should “consume less energy so the battery last much longer.” We are assuming that they are comparing it to the Google Glass. The Google glass currently can run around 45 minutes with continuous recording, but the Baidu Eye should be able to run about two hours. The device will be able [...]