Did You Know The Average Major League Baseball Bi-Weekly Paycheck is Over $300,000 - Contrarie
The median salary in the United States is $50,502, and the average is $69,891. The baseball players playing in the Major Leagues make way more than that. The median salary in the Major League Baseball is at $1.1 million, and the average MLB salary is at $4.25 million. This means that the bi-weekly paycheck for an average baseball player is at $326,923. But the more you make the more the government takes from you in taxes, the average Federal tax in $129,000 for each bi-weekly paycheck. State taxes vary however, with Florida having no income tax on the state. Even with all the taxes, I wouldn’t mind, and I’m sure nobody else would really mind, collecting a paycheck like that. Check out the infographic from Paycor, official payroll and Human Resources provider for the Cincinnati Reds baseball team below: