How Do Leaders Spend Their Time - Contrarie
Ever wondered how successful leaders of companies spend their time daily? The CMOE (Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness) surveyed leaders across North America from organizations such as Google, Adobe, AT&T and John Deere among others and analyzed the data. They averaged the time spent daily for each activity and identified the typical time of day certain activities were performed and the results are pretty interesting. The average leader apparently are early risers and begins their day at around 6:15 am, with some early risers starting as early as 5 am. Exercise is an important part of the daily routine, the average leader exercises for 45 minutes per day. It’s commonly known that exercise controls weight, improves mood, boosts energy, and helps you get better rest at night, so next time you think you don’t have time, keep in mind that the average leader spends 45 minutes of their busy mornings exercising. Most leaders have an average of 25 minutes one way for their commute, but they do not let this time go to waste, they listen to audio books, take calls (hands free if driving of course), read or respond to emails during this time. Completing small tactical tasks and making the most [...]