This Hotel Wakes Up Spring Breakers With Disney Lion King's Circle of Life Song Everyday! - Contrarie
Panama Beach City in Florida is a popular place for spring breakers to head to every year. Between the gorgeous beaches, the nice weather, and the fun nightlife, it’s a great choice for young people to go spend their spring break. While on spring break, a lot of people will be drinking well into the night and hung over the next day. We all know that people want to maximize their spring breaks, so the local Holiday Inn has come up with a creative wake-up call idea. Since 2012, at 11 a.m. the Holiday Inn in Palm Beach City, blasts the song “The Circle of Life” from Disney’s hit movie The Lion King. Not sure if it is the message that aligns with spring breakers, or the nostalgia, but it’s become a tradition where all the guests wake up and gather on their balconies and cheer, eager for another day of vacation. It’s become so popular that the hotel now receives hundreds of calls to see if they will be doing it. Philip Corvin is the director of marketing at the Holiday Inn, and he says he never dreamed it would become so popular. “It was a song that worked real well [...]